O arwain fy enaid i'r dyfroedd

1,2,(3);  1,3.
(Dyfroedd yr Iechydwriaeth)
O arwain fy enaid i'r dyfroedd
  Y dyfroedd sy'n afon mor bur,
Y dyfroedd a dorrant fy syched
  Er trymed
      fy nolur a'm cur,
Y dyfroedd tragwyddol eu tarddiad,
  Y dyfroedd heb waelod na thrai,
Y dyfroedd a olchant fy enaid
  Er dued,
      er amled fy mai.

Da iawn i bechadur
    fod afon
  A ylch yr aflanaf yn wyn;
Hi darddodd o'r nefoedd yn gyson,
  Hi ffrydiodd ar Galfari fryn;
Hi lifodd i'r anial cenhedlig,
  Hi olchodd fil miloedd yn lān;
Hi ylch ei miliynau'n llwyr gannaid
  Cyn rhoddi llawr
      daear ar dān.

O deuwch, O deuwch i'r dyfroedd!
  Mae Crist yn ein gwahodd yn gu;
I yfed o'r afon redegog,
  Sy'n tarddu dan
      riniog y tŷ:
Oddiyno mae'r afon sy'n addas
  I loni hardd ddinas ein Duw
Yn deilliaw yn ffrydiau diddiwedd,
  O'r ffynon sy'n
      beraidd ddŵr byw.
fy nolur :: fy lludded

1-2: Thomas Jones 1756-1820
  3 : Thomas Williams 1772-, Rhes-y-cae.

Tonau [9898D]:
Bethel (alaw Gymreig)
Cyfamod / Hen Ddarbi (alaw Gymreig)
Eirinwg (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Elliot (John Ellis 1760-1839)
  Glanllyn (W J Davies 1908-67)
Lleyn (<1875)

gwelir: O deuwch O deuwch i'r dyfroedd

(The Waters of Salvation)
Oh lead my soul to the waters
  The waters which are a river so pure,
The waters which quench my thirst
  Despite the heaviness
      of my sadness and my ache,
The waters eternally springing,
  The waters without bottom or ebb,
The waters which wash my soul
  Although so black,
      although so frequent my fault.

It is very good for sinners
    that there is a river
  Which washes the most unclean white;
It springs from the heavens constantly,
  It flowed on Calvary hill;
It streamed to the gentile desert,
  It washed a thousand thousand clean;
It will wash its millions completely bright
  Before setting the surface
      of the earth on fire.

O come, O come ye to the waters!
  Christ is inviting us dearly;
To drink from the running river,
  That issues under the
      threshold of the temple;
From there the river is suitable
  To cheer the beautiful city of our God
Springing into unending streams,
  From the well that is
      sweet, living water.
my sadness :: my weariness

tr. 2012,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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